Community Welfare

If you need to apply for a grant from Farnham Lions, please click on the link below to download the application form. 

Icon Funding Application 2024.pdf

Icon Funding Application 2024.doc

By completing this form I hereby consent to your holding and processing my personal details in accordance with our Data Privacy notice below I am providing personal details of third parties and I confirm that I have given to those parties the information required under Article 14 of the General Data Protection Regulations, EU 2016, obtained their specific approval to my forwarding these details to Farnham Lions and to Farnham Lions contacting them solely in order to progress this application. I consent to sharing information with Farnham Lions for the purpose of support as detailed below.

Please note: 

The applicant must be within the area of Farnham and if the applicant is an individual must include the name of a professional referrer. 

The application should not be for any type of operating or ongoing cost, eg staff wages, utility bills etc. 

If your application is successful, we would expect to receive evidence of the spend.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further assistance.

Lions Club of Farnham - Community Welfare