At La Basilique St Jean-Baptiste

After an incredible 20 years of formal twinning with our German friends in Frankenberg Lions, culminating in our recent International £30,000+ project in Kerala, S W India to celebrate the twenty years it was a wonderful surprise to receive a request to consider a link with another Club in addition, this time from the Champagne region of France. All agreed this opportunity would be additional to, and in no way a replacement, of our long-standing friendship with Frankenberg.

Accordingly our Past President, Keith Harris, discussed the opportunity with Henry Luppi, the Secretary of the Chaumont Champagne Club, and this culminated with 21 Farnham Lions and Partners making the trip to Chaumont to meet over a weekend with the Chaumont Club.

We were treated to wonderful hospitality with a relaxed and interesting social programme, which naturally included some great meals and local wine, with of course many conversations covering all aspects on Lions work in both our local communities.

We left Chaumont Lions feeling as though we had new friends, and returned the invitation for them to visit Farnham and progress our relationship. We were  delighted that took us up on that invitation and came to Farnham in March 2016. We very much looked forward to sharing more time with our new friends, and certainly enjoyed showing them our town.

Our thanks to our new friends in Chaumont that gave us a fabulous weekend in the glorious sunshine in Chaumont. The pictures further down this page after the most recent ones do not do the weekend justice - but give just a taste of the great time had by all, and likewise below these are the pictures of the return visit to Farnham.

Before looking at those - simply take a view of a few of the pictures from The Grand Pardon in Chaumont on our most recent visit in June 2018.

Epernay on Route Bon Maison Full Group
Floral Decoration Grand Pardon Nick the Hunter
Dinner at home Paraders Streets
Chaumont Son_et_Lumiere_2 Streets 2 Chaumont Son_et_Lumiere_6

and our earlier visit in 20915.....

On Route a drink is called for...
On route to Chaumont, a stop in Reims.
A barrel or two
Now that's a barrel of wine....
Well matured
The Pommery vintage cellar makes our membership look even younger!
Chaumont Tour 2
And so to Chaumont....
Entente Cordiale
Simon our President with our civic host and Henry Luppi from Chaumont Lions. 
Viaduct 2
Now thats a Viaduct
Nous sommes ici - Chaumont
Chaumont Viaduct
The Viaduct is huge....
Chaumont Tour 1
Fantastic rooflines....
Lamposts that match our clothes!
Pink lamp posts....
et bleu
and blue ones......
et jaune aussi
and even yellow and we can match every colour 
Hot here isn't it!
36 degrees and the tour is warming up....
Its made here
thanks fully now to the Brasserie de Vauclair, the local micro brewery
where do we taste it...
So thats how its made
Bottled here....
and bottled.....
Brasserie de Vauclair Bottled here....
but where do we drink it.....
Are you thirsty Simon
OK, I'll show you all - the Presidents direction
I hate that camera
Lovely - but I don't feel any different?
I quite like that...
Not a bad drop that.
To the ice caves
A walk after lunch....
Too hot to walk today
Too hot for too far....
Civic Reception
The reception at le Marie.
Benoit & Sandrine - some of our hosts
Benoit & Sandrine - some of our hosts
The Steam machine
The Steam Machine....
The Town Hall in Chaumont
The Town Hall in Chaumont
We always knew really.....
We always knew really........ 
Entente Cordiale
Great day out - thanks Chaumont
Henry Luppi
Monsieur Henry Luppi - thanks to you Henry.
SpecSavers French style
Some things are the same.........SpecSavers French style

The Return Visit - 13th March 2016.

Our twinning officer, Jim Lawson, arranged a highly successful weekend in and around Farnham with items of great relevance to our French visitors. They enjoyed the hospitality of our homes, visits to Farnborough Abbey where the bodies of Napoleon 111 and his wife Eugenie are laid to rest, Farnham Castle, a tour of Farnham, and a sandwich lunch at The Nelson to name but a few. A superb dinner at Andersons restaurant and Cafe Piccolo were also very enjoyable.

We really enjoyed hosting our new friends and hope that we will all meet again soon.

           The Abbey

St Michaels Abbey              Gargoyles....
Enjoying the sun.... Farnham Castle Keep Tour of Farnham
Parish Church C'est tres froid ici.... Climb to the Castle
Benoit measures up for the sale.... Lunch at The Nelson Another meal....
A meal with our new friends                   Lion President speaks Franglais.... Meal with Friends

Lions Club of Farnham - Our Visit to Chaumont Champagne; France