Since lockdown commenced, local Lions Clubs have donated a 1000 PC's and many more items including mice, monitors, and leads to children, older students in need of support with their learning and to adults needing help.All of those items were generously donated to Lions clubs and were then checked and refurbished by the Lions IT team.
We are very grateful to all those who have donated to this appeal.
If you can help, this is what we need:
✓ Laptops with power adapters that are already loaded with Windows 7,8 or 10.
✓ They should be in good working order and presentable. It does not matter if the Hard Drive has been removed.
✓ Please note: We cannot use Laptops that currently run or were originally Windows XP or Vista.
✓ Chromebooks.
✓ We can no longer accept desktop computers, monitors, printers or any Apple products.
In the event that we cannot complete a refurbishment then the item will be used for spare parts or taken to a local IT Recycling Centre.
What will we do with them?
The equipment will be checked by the Lions IT Team. They will remove the current software, wipe the hard drive and ensure that the item can be safely handed on having been reloaded with Windows 10 Pro and other software including Libre Office.
How to donate or for more information:
Please send an email with a brief description / photo of the item(s) or your questions to:
We will respond and agree a time convenient to you for us collect from your doorstep.
More information look at
Farnham Lions are helping to fulfil the requirement for computer equipment for children who are now schooling at home and lack the essential tools.
We were delighted to receive this photograph and a letter of appreciation from a thankful parent of one of the recipients showing her son doing his school work on a pc that had been fully refurbished by members of a local club, Fleet Lions. You can help a child by donating any unwanted pc's or laptops which will then be refurbished and re distributed to children in need. For more information please see the youtube video here