5096 Simon and his classic Ferrari IMG 0402.JPG
Indian Auction Winners
Our Spanish themed Presidential Handover event Graham with his love...
BeerFest091 IMG 0046 Out 2013 Presidentail Handover lunch at The Exchequer
Ten Pin Bowling JimJemPan1a 5082
IMG 0600 The Motor Museum, location of our 2014 Presidential Handover The Motor Museum, location of our 2014 Presidential Handover
Sea of WW1 Poppies at the Tower of London 5069

Catering at our 2013 Presidential Handover

5089 IMG 0215 5086
2015 Picnic in the Park 2015 Picnic.  President enjoys his lunch Wings & Wheels 2014
Wings & Wheels 2014 Wing Walkers

 and that really is just for starters.....

Lions Club of Farnham -